• Hi!
    I'm Kasra

    Mechanical Engineer and Electrical Engineering PhD student

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  • I'm a Researcher Interested in Control Theory, Robotics, Mechatronics and Machine Learning.

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About Me

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Kasra Sinaei I am pursuing my graduate studies in the field of "Control" and "Robotics" in the Pennsylvania State Univrsity. Currently I am conducting research on Safety Control and Robust Control while my undergrad research was focused on Legged Locomotion.

I have studied and researched on Control Theory, Optimal control, Non-linear Systems, Kinetics and Kinematics of multi-body systems and Robots. I am a proficient Robotic software developer and I have advanced programming skills in CPP, Python, MATLAB and C#.

Control Theory




Confrence presentations




Expecting graduation on Spring 2026.
Current GPA: 3.78

Expecting graduation on Spring 2024.
Current GPA: 3.78

Graduated on February of 2022.
Cumulitive GPA: 3.60

Advisor: Dr. Ehsan Hosseinian


Work Experience

Graduate Researcher 2022-Now

Graduate researcher at CARL (Control and Robotics Lab) located in the Electrical Engineering department of Penn State University. We have Motion capture system, Unitree A1 robot dogs and a Q-Arm in our lab. We are studying Control theory and state estimation with the supervision of Dr. Ebeigbe.

Undergrad Research Assistant 2019-2022

I was memeber of Dynamic and Control group at Center of Advanced Systems and Technology (CAST). The group was working on humanoid robot gait. ur team successfully designed and fabricated 4 full-size humanoid robots. I was working on gait pattern generation and enhancing dnamic walking of the robot.

Summer Intern 2022-Now

I was trained in an Engineering consultant group based in Tehran, Iran. I learned basics of engineering, drafting, mechanical design and project management.

My Work

Recent Work

Safety-critical Control

In this research I am studying Control Barrier Functions (CBF) and their applicatins in Robotics. I am trying to extend the CBF capabilities to better handle extreme scenarios that include leaving the safe set and retrieving safety. I have also worked on model-free safety-critical control of complex kinematic/kinetic systems. See this short video of my experiment.

Race Line Tracking and Autonomous Racing: Comparison between MPC and Adaptive Control

I am modeling and simulating a race car on a 2D race track for the course project of ME597:MPC and EE582:Adaptive control. This is an ongoing work. See the report on this repo.

Kalman Filterning and System Identification

This project was part of AERSP597 course. I studied and campared different methods for fusing sensors data to estimate position of a differnetial drive robot. Linear KF, Extended KF and Unscented KF were studied in this project. Project Report

Surena Humanoid Robot

As a member of Dynamics and Control team at CAST I was working on gait pattern generation for a full full-size humanoid robot (SURENA V) using Divergent Component of Motion (DCM). We also worked on improving robot's gait stability and robustness with impedance controllers to enable the robot better traverse rough terrains. More Info

Wheeled Biped Robot

This is my undergrad thesis project. I examined dynamics of wheeled legged robots, optimally designed a simulated robot and implemented a novel control startegy that does not deped on robot's full dynamic equations. I also examined robot's jumping in the simulation using the proposed controller. More Info

Pattern Recognition

During the Pattern recognition and Machine Learning course we studied music genre classification using the methods we learned in the class. First we gathered an adequate data set consisting of persian songs and labeled them, then we implemented several supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms such as SVM, KNN, MLP, K-means as well as dimension reduction technics. Project Repo

Reinforcement Learning and Classic Control

In this project I used Policy Gradient Methods for PID controller self tuning in physics engine simulation. I trained a PPO agent and Actor-critic agent to automatically adjust controller gains. Results of this work are presented in a conference that includes simulation of a simple inverted pendulum on wheel.

I am a huge space geek!

I have been passionate about astronomy and space since I was a child. My father bought me a small refracting telescope when I was just 9 years old. I used my Apochromatic telescope to stare at the gas giants of our solar system and the craters on the moon. My interest in amateur astronomy stems from this childhood experience. As I am learning imaging and editing technics I share some of my astrophotography results in this page.

Get in Touch


Electrical Engineering West, 013-C4,
State College, PA16802